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Centrala po angielsku

Jesienią tego roku Centrala wyda trzy albumy po angielsku, w tym dwa polskich autorów. Jest szansa, że komiksy Rybarczyka i Mosdala ukażą się w październiku po polsku. Na razie sprawdźcie okładki i plansze angielskich wydań.

Staring from the Hill

Staring from the HillScenariusz: Norbert Rybarczyk
Rysunki: Norbert Rybarczyk
Wydanie: I angielskie
Data wydania: IV kwartał 2016
Oprawa: hard
Format: 148 x 200 mm
Stron: 56
Wydawnictwo: Centrala
ISBN: 978-0-9933951-5-4

“A delightfully bizarre celebration of friendship and the bonds of music. Engagingly chaotic and pulsing with energy.” – Andy Oliver, Broken Frontier

When Norbert asked me to write an introduction to his comic I was honoured, but also a little lost. I have never attempted something like that before and I didn’t know where to start? With a wise quote? Cultural reference? How to tie it all together?

Right now I am literally just a few minutes after visiting Casa Batlló, probably the most complex realisation of Antonio Gaudi, the famous modernist architect and visionary from Catalonia. I am going to tell you one thing- this comic is like this building. Via its subtly bent doors it invites [you] into its remarkable interior full of intricately twisted lines, how very pedestrian in their application. Because, all appearances aside, Casa Batlló is a regular tenement building. There is probably nothing more prosaic then that for a building. But for its inhabitants, living in the interiors inspired by the sea flora and fauna, must have been a real adventure.

Likewise “Staring from the Hill” simply talks about the every-day reality of a group of friends, who above all cherish their mutual company, music and juice. And similar to Gaudi’s works all of that is served with a handful of surrealism, love of colour, light and form, and gigantic dose of vision. Flipping the pages is like climbing up a twisted staircase – you never know what might lurk around the next bend. There are only two things which are certainone, that shortly you will reach yet another astounding floor, and the other, that at the end of it you will be lead to the rooftop adorned with a ceramic dragon, where you can see a really beautiful panorama of Barcelona.

This comic really is like Gaudi’s architecture. You will find out yourselves. Just let the rhythm of the staircase carry you. The only remaining thing is to wish the author that, like the architect of La Sagrada Familia, he may be appreciated by us – his contemporaries. And that thanks to this he obtains the means necessary to allow us to climb the stairs of his imagination towards the sky, which, as you will find out after reading “Staring from the Hill”, will never be the same again.

Jan Sidorownin
Passeig de Gràcia, Casa Batlló
13.01.2016 Barcelona

[opis wydawcy]

Przykładowe plansze:
Staring from the Hill Staring from the Hill Staring from the Hill

Disco Cry

Disco CryAutor: Marianna Serocka
Ilustracja: Marianna Serocka
Wydanie: I angielskie
Data wydania: IV kwartał 2016
Oprawa: soft
Format: 130 x 170 mm
Stron: 240
Wydawnictwo: Centrala
ISBN: 978-0-9933951-3-0

Every girl knows this, all these Saturday nights that stretch until dawn and cannot end. Coming back home with a hangover, broken heart and a strange guy on top of that. “Disco Cry” is an account of one of these nights that leave memories you’d rather not have.

Marianna wittily uses paper as a means to explore her fondness for ornaments. Impatient drawings and wild colours, increasingly intense as the night progresses, reach a climax at the end of the story.

An amusing read that will calm your conscience after a sleepless night. Just beware of men in crocodile shoes.

Klara Sladkova, No Ordinary Heroes

I haven’t read it but I like it.

Jenny, Tooting Broadway

[opis wydawcy]

Przykładowe plansze:
Disco Cry Disco Cry Disco Cry Disco Cry Disco Cry Disco Cry Disco Cry

Erik the Red – King of Winter

Erik the Red – King of WinterScenariusz: Soren Mosdal
Rysunki: Soren Mosdal
Wydanie: I angielskie
Data wydania: IV kwartał 2016
Oprawa: hard
Format: 234 x 312mm
Stron: 136
Wydawnictwo: Centrala
ISBN: 978-0-9933951-4-7

Inspired by the real story of the colonisation of Greenland, a tale of the wild North, masterfully told by the Danish author Søren Mosdal.

In the year 982 Erik Torvaldsson, also called Erik the Red, left Iceland after a bloody neighbour feud. He went out to find a mysterious island to the north. He found it and called it Greenland, so that many people would follow him.

Thanks to gifts and bribes, he ruled his colony unchallenged by Christian priests and kings, all the way to the beginning of the year 1000 A.D.

[opis wydawcy]

Przykładowe plansze:
Erik the Red – King of Winter Erik the Red – King of Winter Erik the Red – King of Winter Erik the Red – King of Winter Erik the Red – King of Winter Erik the Red – King of Winter



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Belverus -

Z chęcią przygarnę Mosdala po polsku. Cudnie wygląda (styl, kolorystyka). Tematyka wydaje się nadzwyczaj interesująca. Zakup obowiązkowy.

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Belverus -

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